EnergyPlus Version Compatibility

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You should ensure that you have the correct version of EnergyPlus set before exporting IDF data for use outside DesignBuilder.


DesignBuilder will automatically generate compatible IDF files with the target version of EnergyPlus as set on the EnergyPlus tab Program options dialog.  If you are generating IDF files for simulation outside DesignBuilder you should note that, by default, DesignBuilder targets an internal version of EnergyPlus which has an extended IDD data definition file to allow:


1.Surfaces of up to 330 vertices.
2.Shading surfaces of up to 33 vertices.
3.Up to 400 zones in compact HVAC systems.


So if you attempt to use IDF files generated for internal versions of EnergyPlus in a version of EnergyPlus supplied by DOE, you may find some surface or HVAC data errors related to the above changes. To avoid this situation you should either:


1.Explicitly target your DOE EnergyPlus installation by making the appropriate setting on the Program options dialog (preferred option), or
2.Carry the DesignBuilder IDD extensions over to your standalone version of EnergyPlus by copying Energy+.idd from the DesignBuilder EnergyPlus folder (use the File > Folder > EnergyPlus folder menu command) to your standalone EnergyPlus folder (e.g. C:\EnergyPlusV2-0-0).